PARIGI     9 - 13   LUGLIO 2014 
Il mio contributo "Males and females in these times of precarity and  continuous change, among conflicts and challenges searching new balances" 
abstract: The male and female roles are engaging, past time and now more than ever, a substantial and complex change, exacerbated by the precarious situation of our times. We live in a time of social and relational tensions, also linked to immigration and the precarious economic and employment situations. There are conflicts that can escalate even to violent behaviors, that provoke traumas and graves personal difficulties, of the couple and the family. All this requires a continuous and deep review of the personal style and of the difficulty to interpret new situations. 
The Individual Psychology can face effectively the set of problems and search new personal balances, of the couple and the family. The same Alfred Adler early suggested, with a lot of advance, the substantial symmetries  between the roles of gender and the need of cooperation between these. 
Psychotherapeutic interventions will have their work on dysfunctional processes increased by new difficulties of pair bonds related to inadequate empathy, to lack of reciprocal recognition, to defensive distances and to painful discriminations. We already know those difficulties, but the new environmental conditions force us to face the new problems with attention and trust. 
Analysis, individual psychotherapy, brief adlerian psychotherapy, couple therapy and family,  counseling may be the forms of aid always new and always expected. 
Precariousness, encounters between different cultures and their complex adaptations, cultural and religious diversity, different traditions, and new gender roles should be well studied, understood and contextualized.  
This requires, from the adlerian psychologists and psycotherapists, a personal and professional specific training that knows how to understand these social and cultural changes and their impacts on the personal styles. 
                                                                                                                                                                                        Umberto Ponziani   Copyright © 2000 - Ogni diritto riservato     Tool per traduzioni di pagine web